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Holiday travel season is almost over! I get home this afternoon, so maybe there will be a comic up over the weekend! I have also resolved to do at least five new comics by the end of January, since my former excuse was always "waah I'm in school and busy." We'll see how that goes, eh? :)
PS while I'm hoping for my little site to take off, a moment of promoting someone else's site that I have been absolutely loving for the last, what, two years or something ridiculous? Bitesized Languages!
Of course, there's a reason... I want to pretend like I know things! And attributing your sources is important. Bitesized Languages kept me pretending I was keeping up with languages no matter how busy I got otherwise.
"J'espère que vous viendrez à ma fête." -- French
"Ich hoffe Du kannst zu meiner Party kommen." -- German
I hope you can come to my party! :P
(I thought it was moderately appropriate, given the story arc I've had going for what, a year now? Talk about needing to get this party started. Hey, more frequent updates equals faster plot development!)
So, I'm now officially graduated and unemployed and all that. The original hope when I began this site was that I could have turned it into something that might sustain me by now -- obviously, that hasn't happened. But I would love an excuse to begin putting more of my energy into this site. That's where you come in! Donate! How else am I supposed to know how much you appreciate this site? :P
Happy Winter Solstice!
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