Blue Tulip -- Listen!
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© Kate Lane 2009-2011
Oy w0t? Next comic is drawn and inked, should be up Saturday afternoon!


New program new program new program~! And my first non-mathematical one, too: this one is a German Grammar Practice Generator, in that it generates a random sentence in German or English. Then you enter in what you think it is in the other language, and it checks it for you. Wash, rinse, repeat -- it can currently generate and check something in the neighborhood of 1,000 different sentences :D.


Yey whoda thunk a comic named "Listen!" would have two strips in a row about people attempting to converse while really only hearing what they want to hear? Lol :). But yeh, finished the fixing. Next strip is scripted~.


Yey the more things change the more they stay the same. Lol. Yey it'll get finished/fixed on the morrow.

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